Friday, August 10, 2007

Logan - The Neckless Wonder

Here's an update on Logan for all of our loyal blog viewers...

He is doing great. We think he weighs over 14 pounds based on our scales.

He's quite the little chatterbox. We cannot understand him yet, but he has plenty to say.

Logan's hair and eyes are getting lighter. We think there may be a hint of green appearing in his eyes. He may have Daddy's eyes after all.

He LOVES music and even has a favorite song to 'dance' to. He seems to be partial to anything with a hard bass line.

Logan smiles hundreds of times per day. When we are out and about, he often hams it up to anyone that is looking at him by grinning, laughing and cooing. He loves attention and we love to give it to him.

1 comment:

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